Centre Fire

Centre Fire is one of the oldest shooting disciplines. This match is held in two distinct 30-shot stages, showcasing precision shooting skills.
The Precision stage at 25 meters, using a precision target, allowing five minutes for each 5-shot series. Meanwhile, the “Rapid Fire” stage, shot at 25 meters, adds turning targets.
Shooters take one shot during each 3-second exposure of the turning target, with a 7-second interval as it turns away. Between exposures, the shooter lowers their arm to 45 degrees.
Both, Revolver and semi-automatic handguns can be used in this match, utilising any centrefire calibre between 0.32″ to 0.38″. The chosen firearm must have a barrel no longer than 150mm and a trigger pull no lighter than 1000 grams. This match is predominantly shot using a revolvers, however semi-automatic handguns are also used.
The challenge of managing the heavier trigger pull, essential for Centrefire, demands precise control in both the Precision and Rapid Fire stages. Coupled with the recoil of centrefire ammunition, this event proves to be a challenge for both new and experienced shooters alike.
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