OPC Membership Benefits

There many benefits to being a member of the Oakleigh Pistol Club. From making new friends and belonging to a friendly and diverse shooting community, to our facilities and 365 day access to the range.
Some of our membership benefits include:
Open Access
After the probationary period, our members have an option to apply for an individual open access key. A 365 day access to the range, to practice, sight in your firearms and test you ammunition. I mean, do we really need to say more?
Courtesy, Respect And Experience
OPC is a community of passionate and very experienced individuals. Sure, Google is awesome, but experience matters. All of our members have access to experienced shooters and instructors, who are more than happy to teach, help you practice and answer any questions about shooting, firearms and the meaning of life. Our members come from diverse shooting disciplines, from champion target shooters to IPSC, rifles and shotguns. If you have a question, chances are you will get a detailed answer.
Equipment Usage
All members have access to club facilities, including equipment, from target stands to a large selection of action-shooting steel targets.
Exclusive Deals
OPC members are often offered exclusive ammunition and firearm deals, otherwise unavailable to other shooters.
Use Of Facilities
OPC is a reasonably large shooting complex with multiple ranges. When ranges are not used for competitions, members are welcome to use those ranges for practice, be it target shooting or complete IPSC setup.
Firearms Types & Calibres
On the range OPC members are welcome to use pistols, shotguns and rifles (pistol or rimfire calibres).
N.B. some ranges are reserved for handgun use only.
Existing and New Competitions
All club members have an opportunity to participate in a broad selection of competitions, from handguns to practical shotgun and rifles (IPSC). Members are also encouraged to submit ideas to run new and exiting competitions at the club.